Saturday, August 28, 2010

Online resources for home school parents of children with special needs

You are planning about homeschooling your child with special needs. You may feel that the local public school cannot meet his needs as well as you can. Or that the special resources he needs are just not met by standard special education programs. Or that your child will not thrive in a traditional classroom.

Whatever the reason, there are many parents who are making the same choices you are, and meeting with varying degrees of success.

There are many parents who are making the same choices you are, and meeting with varying degrees of success. If you have come to this new directory on, you are in search of resources, information, curriculum help, special needs software, or some professional consultation to help you and your child.

Please remember to research your special needs options carefully.

Links and resources:


* Phonics Plus Five--the only reading system that teaches your child ALL SIX skills needed for reading success. Great for kids with dyslexia and ADD

* 'Home school resources'

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to start home schooling for your child?

There are a lot of parents who don't want to send their child to a public or privately owned school for some reasons. Many parents are looking for a homeschooling option but don't know where to start?

You can search online for free homeschooling resources and links for this purpose. The key to getting homeschooling free is taking advantage of the resources around you.

The most obvious obstacle in beginning to home school your child is the need to create your own homeschooling curriculum. You may opt to purchase your own books to go over possible material, hire a professional to assist you in the creation of this curriculum, or better yet, go online and find a suitable free home schooling curriculum.